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Pioneer Elementary

Where Excellence Begins

Delivery and Pick Up of Students


Start of School

  • Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:30 am – 8:00 am
  • School begins with at 7:45 am 
  • Tardy Bell rings at 8:00 am

 Dismissal Time

  • Pre-K dismisses at 3:45 pm
  • Kindergarten dismisses at 3:45 pm

 Parent Drop-off and Pick-up

  • The speed limit on campus is always 5 MPH.
  • Please see the drop-off and pick-up map for specific class drop-off and pick-up locations.  
  • Pre-K parents, please enter the drop-off lane no earlier than 7:40 am daily. This allows our buses and special needs students to get through the line before cars insuring that buses stay on schedule to drop off at other schools.
  • Kindergarten parents, we ask that you enter the drop-off lane no earlier than 7:35 am daily.
  • Breakfast in the cafeteria begins at 7:30 am with bus riders. Car riders can go to the cafeteria when they arrive at 7:35 am (Kindergarten) & 7:40 am (Pre-K).
  • As you pull up to the parent drop-off/pick-up lane, with your student’s car tag on your car visor or rear view mirror,  school personnel will get your child out of your car in the morning and place him/her in your car in the afternoon.
  • Please do not arrive at drop-off or pick-up early. The line will move along much more quickly if each grade level comes at the assigned time. Pre-K car riders will not be allowed in the pick-up lane until 7:40 am after all buses have dropped off students.
  • If you are picking up children Pre-K and Kindergarten students, please go through Pre-K pick-up first or make arrangements to pick Pre-K student up with Kindergarten student in Kindergarten pick-up line.
  • For safety purposes no cars are to be parked in the front of the school for parent pick up before 3:15 pm daily.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation, the safety of your children is our primary concern.

Children Leaving During School Hours

  • If you need to pick your child up from school during the day, come in to the front of the school and we will get your child from his/her classroom. You must show your ID in order for your child to be released to you. 
  • If there is a change in the way a child will get home, the parent or guardian must notify the school no later than 3:00 pm. Otherwise, the child will be sent home the usual way.
  • To insure the safety of your child,  he or she will only be released to an adult with a valid driver’s license, state ID, or other government ID. The adult must be the parent, guardian, or be designated as an authorized adult on the student’s emergency list. When picking up in the car lline, visor car tags must be visible.