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Grading Policies


As Established by the Campus Improvement Team, May 2020

Pre-Kindergarten Grading Policies

  • Letter grades are not given in Pre-Kindergarten.
  • The student will receive 3 report cards throughout the year and 3 CIRCLE Progress Monitoring Reports throughout the year.  
  • The timeline for reporting this data will follow a six week reporting period similiar to district established grading reports. 

Kindergarten Grading Policies

  • Letter grades are not given in Kindergarten.
  • The student will recieve performance based standard updates each nine weeks based on the following scale: 
  • Not Taught Mastery Approaching Mastery Beginning Progress Toward Standard Area of Concern
    * 4 3 2 1

    Standard not taught in current six weeks

    Demonstrates mastery of standard

    Understands most of grade level standard

    Understands pieces of the standard

    Needs assistance in completing work

  • Skills are assessed for mastery only in unshaded areas of the report card. Each six weeks is recorded in a different color.