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What to do if...


If Your Child Is Unable to Attend School…
If your child is unable to attend school, please call the office as early as possible. When the student is able to return to school, make certain that you send a note to the teacher explaining why your child was absent, even if you have called the office the day of the absence. Any undocumented absence is considered “unexcused.” Absences are “excused” only in the event of a child’s illness, immediate family emergency, or by prior arrangement with the Principal.

If You Are Unable to Pick-Up or Deliver Your Child to School on Time…
Please call the school office and inform office personnel when you will be arriving at school. Come to the office to sign the child in (if arriving late), or to pick your child up (if ten minutes or more after dismissal time). Children are not allowed to wait outside for parents without supervision.

If You Need to Get A Message To Your Child…
Please call the office to relay a message to your child. Call the office no later than 3:00 pm if there is a change in the way your child is getting home.

If Your Child Must Leave School Early…
Please send a note to your child’s teacher informing her of when your child will be leaving. You must come into the office to sign your child out of school. Children are not allowed to “watch” for parents and go outside unattended.

If You Are Moving…
Be certain to withdraw your child from school if you are moving out of the Graham Independent School District. This process simply involves notifying the office of your impending move. This allows the office the opportunity to complete all withdrawal forms in a timely manner. You will be given a withdrawal form that will help in the enrollment of your child in his/her new school.

If You Have a Change of Address or Telephone Number…
Please notify the office of any change in contact information. We must have proof of your new address. It is vitally important that Pioneer personnel always be able to contact you regarding your child.

If My Child Needs to Take Medicine At School…
If your child needs medication at school, please make certain that the medicine is delivered to school in the original container with the original label affixed. A doctor’s orders must accompany the medicine before it can be administered at school. For additional information regarding medication at school, please contact the Pioneer Elementary nurse.

If I Have Questions or Concerns…
Never hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or office personnel for any information or clarification. First and foremost, we are here to for your child!